Tag: medical marijuana treatment

Can Medicinal Cannabis Help You Study Better?

Can Medicinal Cannabis Help You Study Better?

Now is the moment to tell yourself the truth. University students who like using medical marijuana should consider how their habit may be interfering with their education. The claim has been disproved by several studies. But here is our checklist of warning signals to watch out for.

The mere thought of sitting down and studying might bring on a bout of unproductive procrastination. The benefits of a productive study session are worth the challenge of entering a flow state. Distractions from reading, writing, and editing are common in today’s society, thanks to the prevalence of electronic media such as social media and television, as well as less productive activities like going to the bar with friends or tending to a grow room.

The good news is that there are a number of methods we may employ to increase the amount of time we can concentrate on a task, keep our attention sustained, and ultimately prevail each time we feel the want to shirk our scholastic responsibilities. The effects of medical marijuana vary from person to person and with each usage. Find out the benefits and drawbacks of consuming medical marijuana below. 

What Role Do Recreational Drugs Play in the Academic Environment?

Substances that affect one’s state of consciousness have been utilised by humans for thousands of years. Even now, we don’t give much thought to the fact that chemicals like coffee have psychoactive effects when we pick up a cup on the way to work since they are so embedded in our everyday lives. People use drugs or alcohol before doing just about anything, and studying is no exception.

But what about studying when high on weed? Red eyes, lethargy, and lack of drive are common misconceptions about medical marijuana. But have not really confirmed its impact for learning, most studies have been drawn to the aspect of how marijuana makes one high and feeling dosed in a state where learning might be affected. In terms of academic performance, however, the herb has various effects on different people, to some, it has been the case of the negative effect while in others some positive effects have been recorded.

Benefits of Medical Cannabis and Drive to Learn

THC is the primary cannabinoid responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effects. It achieves this effect by interacting with CB1, a receptor in the brain and central nervous system. Dopamine is released in large quantities from brain cells when this location is activated. The regulation of motivation relies on this molecule. If you and medical marijuana get along well and you discover your “sweet spot” dose, you may find that weed motivates you to learn.

Can Medicinal Cannabis Help You Study Better?


The medicinal effects of cannabis might vary widely. A variety of phytochemicals, including cannabinoids and terpenes, give distinct strains their own aromas and effects. Try out many solutions until you find one that works. Different strains produce varying degrees of inebriation; some are energising and stimulating, while others are calming and relaxing, and yet others provide no effect at all. Potential Study-Impairing Effects of using medical marijuana might completely alter your study routine. However, you run the danger of being distracted from your studies if you light up a joint before diving into your textbooks. This is where problems may arise.


Linear thinking, the kind of methodical and analytical thinking used in domains like science and mathematics, is necessary for many courses. If you want to succeed at a higher level of study, though, you’ll need to be able to think creatively and come up with original answers to difficult questions. Divergent thinking, the mental processes behind coming up with novel ideas, is where this problem is best tackled. According to studies, Medicinal Cannabis has the potential to enhance some facets of divergent thinking at lower dosages, while hindering it at greater levels.

Depression and a lack of drive

Not everyone who takes medical marijuana experiences a surge of inspiration and concentration. Actually, it’s capable of having the opposite effect, especially at greater dosages. Some smokers report feeling sleepy and unmotivated after using supposedly stimulating cannabis strains.


You could find more focus and organisation if you use medicinal cannabis to study. Rather of leaving your desk every couple of hours for a cup of coffee, try taking short 10-minute breaks to refocus and replenish your endocannabinoid system.


Smoking may be a distraction even if it has no immediate harmful consequences. While high on some strains, you may find yourself fixating on irrelevant stimuli like psychedelic music videos or scrolling aimlessly through your social media feed in search of posts that increase your high.

Adverse reactions

Even the most disciplined student might be distracted by the unpleasant effects of THC-rich medical cannabis, which prevent them from focusing on their studies until the symptoms subside. Paranoia, fear, anxiety, memory loss, and a skewed perception of time are just some of the symptoms.

Between Sativa or Indica Strain of Medical Cannabis, which is the best?

Sativa and indica are not descriptors of different cultivars’ effects, contrary to popular belief. The effects of sativa strains are supposed to be more uplifting, while those of indica strains are thought to be more sedating. Sativa tends to grow taller and have thinner leaflets than indica do, although these names simply describe the morphology (physical aspects) of the plants.

In the end, cannabinoids like THC and CBD determine the primary effects of each kind, while terpenes determine whether the high is sedating or energising. Choose types rich in limonene and pinene if you want to feel more alert. Choose those high in myrcene to ease your mind and body.

To know more about where to buy medical cannabis in Australia and other medical marijuana resources, you should book a consultation session with a professional from Chronic Therapy today.

The Interaction Between Medical Cannabis and the Body Homeostasis

The Interaction Between Medical Canabis and the Body Homeostasis

Your body works tirelessly to maintain internal harmony, even when you are unaware of it. Your body’s homeostatic processes are always at work, ensuring your survival and normal function in response to stimuli like going for a run or becoming sick. The potential of medical canabis to correct homoeostasis disruptions is of great interest to researchers.

Homeostasis is one of those biological terms that most people haven’t heard since high school biology. It is an attempt by the body’s built-in system to maintain equilibrium. Homeostatic systems keep our bodies from going into extremes in response to external stimuli like heat or physical activity. Read on to find out what homoeostasis is and whether or not Medical Canabis may affect it.

Homeostasis: What Is It?

This process of maintaining a steady internal environment is known in the scientific community as homoeostasis. It is any self-regulating mechanism by which biological systems seek to retain stability while responding to conditions that are best for life, according to the Encyclopdia Britannica. Without disease or infection to contend with, our bodies are able to keep systems like blood sugar management, potassium and calcium balance, immune system activity, and hydration running well when we sleep. Infection, physical activity, hunger, and high temperatures all present challenges, though.

Related: The Connection Between Constipation and Medical Cannabis

The Role of Homeostasis

An organised effort is required. In our bodies, billions of cells work together to form a wide variety of structures (not to mention the trillions of commensal bacteria that call your body home).

We need constant communication to keep all of these organs and tissues in sync and running well enough to keep us alive. A coordinated effort between hormone secretion and electrical signalling plays a key role in keeping the body within homeostatic limits. The endocrine system, which consists of several glands and organs, secretes a mixture of hormones that serve crucial functions in maintaining internal equilibrium. Both the brain and the rest of the nervous system can fire out messages to different parts of the body extremely quickly, which aids in the body’s ability to monitor, react, and regulate itself. The maintenance of homoeostasis relies on feedback loops formed by the endocrine and neurological systems.

The Feedback

When the body needs to keep things balanced, it employs feedback loops to do it. The term “feedback loop” can refer to either a positive or negative cycle. The stimulus, sensor, controller, and effector make up the four basic phases of positive feedback loops. If we take the process of maintaining internal body temperature as an example, we can describe it as follows:

Why it happens: When your body temperature rises above 37 degrees Celsius, you have a fever. In response to an increase in internal body temperature, nerve cells in the skin and the brain trigger an alarm. In charge of maintaining a comfortable internal environment, the hypothalamus acts as a thermostat for the entire body.

The hypothalamus acts as an effector, setting off hormonal cascades that cause blood vessels to dilate and body temperature to rise, resulting in greater perspiration. When the body cools down enough, it reaches its ideal homeostatic temperature and the process stops.

Positive feedback loops amplify an original input, whereas negative feedback loops seek to counteract it. These mechanisms accomplish their goals by carrying out a procedure to its conclusion, rather than reestablishing equilibrium. The constant release of oxytocin during labour contractions is one example of a positive feedback loop, as is the nursing of infants, which drives even more milk production.

The Homeostatic Response to Illness

Some of the ailments that afflicted our forefathers have been eradicated thanks to scientific research. However, a number of ailments that were uncommon in the past have emerged as a result of contemporary conveniences like sitting about all day and eating meals heavy in sugar and fat. Some examples are: type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity, atherosclerosis, autoimmune disease (when the body’s immune system attacks itself), and mental health problems.

Some immunobiology experts assert that these diseases have two things in common: they are caused by dysregulated homeostatic processes and they are linked to persistent inflammation. Inflammation is a defence mechanism that is utilised to prevent further damage or infection, but it may quickly get out of hand and create a wide range of health problems. Physiological processes can be shifted outside of their homeostatic zones by environmental factors such as nutrition. Consider the link between a sweet tooth and metabolic dysfunction caused by consuming too much sugar.

Homeostasis and Medical Marijuana Treatment

Medical canabis and its components are being tested against a wide variety of illness types in ongoing research. Cannabinoids, a class of medicinal cannabis metabolites, are of great interest to scientists. The human endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the master regulator of the body, and these substances can affect it. Given its capacity to control homoeostasis across a wide variety of physiological systems, including bone remodelling, neurotransmitter firing, skin function, and even mood, the ECS is deserving of its high profile.

There are three essential components to this system: the signalling molecules called endocannabinoids, the receptors that attach to them, and the enzymes that produce and degrade them.

Cannabinoids found in medical canabis have a molecular structure very similar to those made naturally by the human body. This implies they can exert effect on our universal regulator because they can bind to ECS receptors as well. Medical marijuana’s components can “hack” the central regulatory system in a sense. The extent to which these chemicals affect human physiology, however, is still being studied.

Homeostasis and THC

You are familiar with THC. Raw flowers contain THCA, a form of this cannabinoid that does not provide intoxicating effects. After being heated, the molecule changes into THC, a substance that may attach to certain ECS receptors in the brain and provide the classic marijuana high.

Researchers are interested in determining if THC can affect homoeostasis across various systems since it binds to the two primary receptors of the ECS. THC’s effects on apoptosis and endocannabinoid homoeostasis in human placentas are being studied by scientists. These studies are being conducted by researchers in Portugal. The phrase refers to a highly regulated procedure that determines the specifics of how cells are destroyed. As a result of its role in regulating cell death, apoptosis is essential for maintaining normal cell populations. The failure of the apoptotic system contributes to the unchecked proliferation of cells seen in diseases like cancer. Multiple investigations are now investigating the potential of THC to positively affect cellular homoeostasis and cause apoptosis in various forms of cancer.

CBD and Maintaining a Balanced Body 

Can this cannabinoid positively affect the endocannabinoid system and cellular homoeostasis? Similarly, to studies on THC, CBD research is still in its infancy and has yet to provide any solid conclusions. However, there are a plethora of research investigating the effects of CBD on ECS components. German scientists, for instance, are investigating CBD’s potential to inhibit the enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), which degrades the essential endocannabinoid anandamide. CBD also has an effect on the nuclear receptors known as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which play a role in maintaining proper lipid and glucose balance.

Understanding the Value of Homeostasis

It is only because of homeostasis’s supporting systems that we are able to maintain life. Without them, anything as harmless as going for a run or being sick would be enough to kill us. The health of an organism depends on its homeostatic regulatory systems working properly. Medical canabis and its components are at the forefront of studies aimed at discovering new ways to keep homoeostasis in check because of the ECS’s essential involvement in this fundamental function. Although studies are still in their early stages, scientists are eager to learn more about this intricate yet unquestionably crucial facet of human biology.

To know more about where to buy medical canabis in Australia and other medical marijuana resources, you should book a consultation session with a professional from Chronic Therapy today.

The Connection Between Constipation and Medical Cannabis

The Connection Between Constipation and Medical Cannabis

Medical Cannabis has various uses, and relieving constipation is one of them. Marijuana is generally helpful for alleviating stomach discomfort and intestinal issues. What causes constipation and how Medical Cannabis can help are discussed below.

Historically, numerous civilizations have utilised medical cannabis to treat digestive problems, with the oldest documented usage being in China about 2700 BCE. Science is already charging ahead with studies of Medical Cannabis’ therapeutic potential. Examining the data, we find that Medical Cannabis does help with the symptom of constipation.

What Is the Cause of Your Constipation?

To be constipated means that your bowel motions are either exceedingly difficult or occur much less frequently than normal. Common and generally not serious, it affects people of all ages for various causes. Some people need to defecate three times a day, while others may go just once or twice a week. However, more than three days is typically too long to wait. From here on out, passing stools will become increasingly difficult for you.

Colon and Rectal Problems

If you’ve been spared either disease thus far, you may be curious as to what sets constipation and diarrhoea apart. Both conditions include issues with passing waste and can lead to discomforts like bloating and gas, but that’s about where the similarities end. Diarrhea is characterised by a dramatic increase in the frequency of bowel movements. In the same way, they will be sloppy and runny. However, constipation is characterised by a lack of frequency (less than three times per week) and dryness of faeces.

Constipation and diarrhoea are common but typically harmless conditions that might last for a few days at a time. In contrast, frequent attacks point to a deeper issue in the digestive system or elsewhere in the body.

Causes of Constipation

In the large intestine, food absorbs water and produces waste as it passes through the digestive system. Then, the rectum is pushed towards the waste by muscle contractions. The rectum receives a semi-solid stool since the large intestine has absorbed much of the water by this point.

When the colon retains too much water, the result is constipation. This signifies that an excessive amount of water is being absorbed. This causes diarrhoea that is dry, hard, and difficult to pass. Among the numerous potential causes of constipation are:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and associated problems with intestinal function; laxative misuse; changes in habits or lifestyle; pregnancy; travel; old age; not drinking enough fluids, especially water; not eating enough fibre; ignoring the desire to go;

Cannabidiol for Medical Use and Bowel Movement

It’s no secret that patients and non-patients alike have turned to medical cannabis to help with a variety of gastrointestinal problems. The evidence is scant, but what there is suggests that THC can mitigate the symptoms of inflammatory bowel illness and reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea. CBD’s effect on intestinal transit time is also the subject of study.

And there’s research into how medical cannabis can help with the side effects of other medicines that might cause gastrointestinal problems. Constipation is a common side effect of opioid painkillers, which are also often given. Cannabis is now undergoing trials to see whether or not it might assist reduce opioid consumption, and as a result, it may be used to mitigate some of the unpleasant side effects of opioids, including constipation.

In addition to its therapeutic effects, medical marijuana is lauded for the calming effect it has on users. It’s far more convenient to answer nature’s call when one is calm and at ease.

Nonetheless, conflicting accounts persist. A self-reported study found that chronic Medical Cannabis users had more frequent episodes of constipation as their cannabis consumption rose.

The report is not without flaws, though. Most people who have constipation after using medical cannabis also have irritable bowel syndrome. These findings do not necessarily point to Medical Cannabis causing constipation, as constipation is a typical side effect of IBS.

As it turns out, the majority of the data in favour of using Medical Cannabis for constipation is anecdotal or preliminary in nature. There should be more research on this. However, there is some evidence suggesting that studying the connection between the endocannabinoid system and the stomach may one day lead to more conclusive answers.

What the Gut and the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) Have in Common

The ECS has been hypothesised to aid in the two-way communication between the digestive tract and the brain. Several key aspects of intestinal health have been linked to the endocannabinoid system[1]. While CB1 receptors are highly concentrated in the brain, CB2 receptors are widely distributed throughout the digestive tract. Alterations in gut function may result from changes in the brain caused by stress or pain. Further, alterations in the stomach brought on by inflammation or infection are sent to the central nervous system. Irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal illnesses may be influenced by this connection.

The ECS is essential for maintaining gut health by limiting inflammatory responses. By responding to certain endocannabinoids, CB1 and CB2 receptors contribute to dampening inflammatory reactions. More importantly, it plays a pivotal role in the digestive process. Stomach muscles contract to propel food through the digestive system and facilitate nutrient absorption. As a result of their interactions with CB1 receptors, several cannabinoids have been shown to alleviate nausea, decrease stomach emptying, and lower stomach acid production. The sensation of hunger known as “the munchies” can be triggered by excessive activation of the CB1 receptor.

The Connection Between Constipation and Medical Cannabis

Does Medical Marijuana Cause Diarrhoea?

For those interested, there are numerous anecdotal reports online about the laxative effects of recreational marijuana, but what do the studies actually show? Researchers in 2019 found that recreational users of medical cannabis had a 30% lower risk of having constipation compared to non-users. It’s possible that the sedative effects of Medical Cannabis actually induce a state of bodily relaxation that makes going to the bathroom a lot more likely.

Furthermore, the manner of Medical Cannabis use might have an effect. A low tolerance to nicotine’s effects may cause loose stools after smoking. Do you use a combination of medical cannabis and nicotine in your cigarettes? Constipation and diarrhoea are frequent side effects of eating foods infused with medical cannabis. Keep in mind that cannabis undergo significant transformation and can convert into other chemical forms that may not be kind to the stomach during digestion.

How Medical Cannabis May Be Used in the Future to Treat Constipation

Though research on the connections between Medical Cannabis, the gut microbiota, and the endocannabinoid system is still in its infancy, numerous studies have already drawn some tentative conclusions. Science and medicine will undoubtedly continue to probe and untangle this connection as time goes on, perhaps yielding new insights that may aid in the treatment and prevention of painful gastrointestinal disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s disease.

Chronic constipation is probably not caused by cannabis but by other, more serious health problems. Stool softeners, changes in food and lifestyle, and medical attention can all help with this issue.

We still can’t dismiss the links between digestive health and medical cannabis. If you have digestive problems and suspect that Medical Cannabis is to blame, you can try different strains, increasing your water intake, altering your diet, or even taking a tolerance break. If you have any major worries, you should see a doctor.

To know more about where to buy medical cannabis in Australia and other medical marijuana resources, you should book a consultation session with a professional from Chronic Therapy today.

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